
5 Hamstring Stretches Your Legs Will Love

Whether you're running around all day or sitting at your desk for hours, tight hamstrings can lead to a number of injury issues, if they're left unattended.

Running, biking, or lifting can leave you with tight hamstrings. But did you know sitting all day can also shorten the muscles, causing tightness in the hamstrings, knees and low back?

To keep yourself injury free, stretching and mobility training should be a part of your daily exercise routine. Add these five exercises into your warm up or cool down to prevent aches and pains.

MoreA Stretching Routine to Prevent Injuries

Good Morning Stretch

Activate and engage the hamstrings, glutes and low back with a simple hip hinge. Begin in a standing position with feet shoulder-width apart.

With a slight bend in the knees, core flexed and weight in the heels, reach your rear backwards while lowering your chest toward the ground. Your hamstrings will load up with tension as your weight shifts back. Finish the move by driving your hips forward and chest back to an upright or standing position. Perform three sets of 12 repetitions. 

Standing Extended Stretch

Try this for a deep stretch. You'll need a chair or bench to rest your foot on. It's best to have a surface lower than hip height when starting out. Begin in a standing position about 2 feet from you chair or bench. Place your right heel on the bench and flex your toe toward your shin. Reach your hands toward your right foot, slowly. Hold this position for 30 seconds before repeating the process on the left foot. Complete three sets on each foot.

More: Yoga Pose of the Month: Utthita Trikonasana

Reclined Hamstring Stretch

Grab a yoga mat and lay down on your back. Extend your legs in a straight line from your body. Keep your left leg on the ground while raising your right leg to 90 degrees. Keep your pelvis on the ground and flex your toe to your shin. Use your hands to grasp your leg just below the knee, pulling it toward your upper body. Once you can't go any farther, hold the position for 30 seconds before switching feet.

Dynamic Hamstring Stretch

The first three stretches have been static, meaning you reach until you find a sticking point and hold it there. This stretch has a little more movement than the others, making it a dynamic stretch.

Standing tall, extend your arms straight out. Step your right foot forward swinging your leg up, trying to kick your hand. Bring your right foot down and repeat the move with your left foot. Alternate your feet for 30 seconds. This move can be done standing in one spot or walking across the room.

More3 Dynamic Stretches to Improve Flexibility and Coordination

Myofascial Release - Foam Rolling

Grab a foam roller and sit on the ground. Place the roller under one or both of your hamstrings. Prop yourself up on to your hands and place your bodyweight into your legs, pressing into the hamstrings. Walk your hands backward and forward to roll up and down the back of your legs. This type of self-myofascial release will break up scar tissue and improve circulation, helping to recover faster and enhance performance.

MoreCoach Jenny's 3 Foam Roller Exercises for Athletes

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About the Author

Joe Vennare

Joe Vennare, one of the nation's top trainers, is a freelance writer and a fitness entrepreneur who created Hybrid Athlete, Kettlebell Cardio? and Race Day Domination.
Joe Vennare, one of the nation's top trainers, is a freelance writer and a fitness entrepreneur who created Hybrid Athlete, Kettlebell Cardio? and Race Day Domination.

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