
3 Ways to Conquer IT Band Pain

The IT band is the cause of a common malady for runners known as IT Band Syndrome. The illiotibial band runs along the outside of your thigh, from the top of your hip (the iliac crest—that bony ridge) down to your knee. I'll go out on a limb and guess that yours is probably tight unless you've been working on it.

What does "working" on your IT band mean? Diligent stretching and breaking up the knots. Use a foam roller to break up any tight spots, but I'll warn you—if you haven't done this before, it's pretty uncomfortable. It might want to make you curl up and cry.

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How to Use a Foam Roller to Massage the IT Band

Lie down on one side, propping yourself up with one elbow, and position the foam roller just under your hip. Now, move your body forward so that the roller works itself down on the outside of your thigh; stop when you get to your knee.

Roll in a gradual, slow motion, and when you reach your knee, reverse directions back up to your hip. Adjust the amount of tension by applying more or less of your body weight on the roller. If you're new at this, your IT band will probably be tender, and you might not even need to apply much weight before you feel it.

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When you come to a particularly sore spot, pause and hold it on the roller—this is called applying direct pressure. As you hold the roller on that spot, the pressure will help break up the knot. Only hold it there for about a minute, then do short rolls back and forth over the area to help further release the knot.

You may come across quite a few knots, and you won't be able to break all of them up in a single self-massage session. Think about foam rolling as maintenance, kind of like you would do for your car. You only want to target a particular muscle or tendon for up to 15 minutes at a time. The best way to go about this is to sneak in short sessions after your run, or while you're watching TV. Foam roll on a continual basis instead of ignoring it for a while then going crazy on the roller for an hour once a month.

Only roll to the point of discomfort—yes, it will be tender and sore, but you don't want to go to the point of unbearable pain because you'll just end up doing more damage than good.

After a few days and weeks of consistent rolling, you'll see results, and foam rolling across that IT band will become less of a torturous thought.

More: 10 Self-Myofascial Release Exercises for Runners

How to Stretch the IT Band

Another way to keep your IT band in check is to stretch. Here are two of the best IT band stretches:

1. Sit on the floor with your palms flat on the floor, spaced a few inches behind your butt. Bend your knees up and place the soles of your feet flat on the floor in front of you. Take your left foot and place your left ankle across your right knee. Drop your knee toward the floor, rotating at the hip in a sort of half-butterfly position. Hold the stretch for at least 25 seconds, and gradually try to get your knee closer to the ground. Repeat with the other leg.

More: 5 Injury Prevention Stretches for Runners

2. Take your left leg, bent at the knee, and place it in front of you. Take your right leg and straighten it as best as you can behind you. You'll be in a semi-split position, except your front leg is bent. You might need to drop your knee, bend your torso forward and use your arms for support. You want to feel the stretch in the outside of your hip area, so lean forward and slightly to the left as you hold this stretch. Hold for at least 25 seconds. Repeat with the right leg in front.

The IT band, once irritated, can be a chronic and annoying bugger to deal with, so if it's not causing you problems yet, remember that the best way to avoid an injury is to be proactive.

More: How to Aggressively Treat IT Band Syndrome

Treat a Sore IT Band

If you're suffering from IT band issues, stretching and gentle foam rolling can help. Just don't overdo it. You don't want to massage the IT band too much—definitely no more than 15 minutes once a day—and you don't want to go past the point of discomfort. If you overdo it, you'll only cause more inflammation of the tissues.

Follow the same rules for stretching: Go just to the point of slight discomfort. The best way to stretch is to hold it for a minute or two, and go a little deeper over time as the muscle relaxes.

Once you've finished foam rolling and stretching, ice is your friend. Place an ice pack on the sore IT band for at least 10 to 15 minutes. Finally, be smart. It's better to take a shorter break sooner once you feel pain or prolonged soreness in the IT band, rather than be forced into a longer break later. If you shouldn't run because of an IT band injury, don't underestimate the power of cross-training.

More: 7 Cross-Training Exercises for Runners

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