
Honey-Mustard Chicken With Roasted Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts, the long-dreaded member of the cabbage family that makes most kids crinkle their noses, should make a regular appearance at your dinner table. A study showed that eating 1.25 cups of Brussels sprouts each day improved the stability of DNA inside white-blood cells. Also the top cruciferous vegetable for its glucosinolate content—phytonutrients with cancer-fighting abilities—Brussels sprouts promote a cancer-preventing effect on the body's detox, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory systems. Research has shown that chronic imbalances in any of these systems can contribute to an increased cancer risk.

More: Breast Cancer Prevention Through Diet

To increase the anti-inflammatory benefits of the Brussels sprouts, drizzle the veggies with the homemade honey-mustard sauce (see recipe on page 2), and dip the honey-mustard chicken in the sweet, tangy sauce. Mustard seeds, found in whole-grain mustard, are rich in selenium, which possess anti-inflammatory properties. One teaspoon of white mustard seeds—what most yellow mustards are made of—contains omega-3 fatty acids, potassium and magnesium.

More: 3 Foods for Fast Muscle Recovery


4 4-oz. boneless, skinless chicken breasts

1 large egg, whisked

20 to 25 honey mustard flavored pretzels, crushed

1 1/2 pound Brussels sprouts, washed, ends trimmed and cut in half

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 1/2 tsp salt

1 tsp black pepper

Homemade honey mustard, for serving

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About the Author

Sabrina Tillman Grotewold

Sabrina Tillman Grotewold is the former running editor for, and the creator of the Active Cookbook. She runs nearly every day, enjoys cooking and developing recipes, and taking her son for long walks in his stroller.
Sabrina Tillman Grotewold is the former running editor for, and the creator of the Active Cookbook. She runs nearly every day, enjoys cooking and developing recipes, and taking her son for long walks in his stroller.

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