22 Things Only Cyclists Understand

Elizabeth Grimsley
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Sure, you know how to ride a bike. Heck, you even take yours out for a spin occasionally. But do you really understand all the nuances that come along with being a cyclist? From being dressed like an aerodynamic clown in public to the sugar rush from a Mexican Coca-Cola after a hard day in the saddle, read on for the things only true cyclists understand.
The feeling of totally and completely bonking.
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Like, to the point where you can barely turn the pedals, no matter how fiercely your buddies are cheering you on.
The sugar rush from a Mexican Coca-Cola after a long, hard day in the saddle.
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There's literally nothing else like it. And no, regular Coke isn't the same.
The sheer agony and inconvenience of road rash.
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Have fun trying to put on pants for the next week—not to mention the time spent picking pebbles out of your wounds.
The feeling of riding 100 miles for the first time.
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Sheer exhaustion coupled with total elation, followed by an immediate need for a cold beer and a nap.
Riding up an extremely steep grade.
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Like, so steep you have to get off and walk to avoid toppling over.
And then riding that same grade again when you're more fit and conquering it without dismounting.
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Achievement = unlocked.
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Runners can use it all they want, but it's just not the same.
When your back wheel fishtails unexpectedly.
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And that terrifying split second when your heart is in your throat.
The Rules.
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And all the simple truths the sacred text contains.
What it feels like to get dropped hard by the group.
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One second you're in the mix, the next second you're off the back (and in for an extremely long day).
The adrenaline rush from getting in the break.
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OH MY GOD I'M IN THE FRONT. Now, who's going to work with me here?
European-style Chamois Butter.
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*Sighs contentedly* Europeans just do it better.
Riding in a peloton.
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Wait, we're averaging WHAT? Hope the guy in front of me picks a good line.
Your own domestique.
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While few have experienced it first-hand, it's basically like having your own personal assistant to help during a race. #goals
A perfectly broken-in saddle.
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Adios saddle sores! Speaking of…
Saddle sores.
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There's no pain quite like it.
When you get dropped and have to ride solo for miles on end to catch the group.
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Please oh please, stop for water sometime soon.
White knuckle descents.
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Kind of terrifying, but also exhilarating.
Being dressed like an aerodynamic clown in public.
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But not caring because anything to make us go faster is appreciated.
Owning a bike worth more than your car.
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"You can't buy happiness, but you can buy a bike."
VO2 (L/min) = (0.01141 x Power output) + 0.435
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We'll just leave that one there.
Baby-smooth legs.
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On women and men.
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