
Get Out Your Panniers for These Multi-Day Bike Tours

Before you commit to the utter exhaustion and subsequent soreness involved in pedaling 100+ miles, it's important to ask yourself what it is you seek from a bike ride. Do you have an unquenchable thirst for speed, bordering on that of an adrenaline junky? Do you own a cycling computer and track your daily averages? Is everything you own made of carbon fiber? If so, these bike rides are not for you.

These rides are for the gentler, observational rider. You won't find cyclists in a hurry on these fall bike tours. These rides are for those who see cycling as the perfect way to transport oneself from a brewery to a quaint town, so long as the route includes picturesque views along the way. Stopping to take in the sites is not only encouraged, it's mandatory.

These six multi-day bike tours should provide the curious cyclist an exhaustive list of places to see, things to do and people to meet. So, grab your sleeping bags and panniers, and let's find out what we can see.

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