
Mend Your Injury With Healing Foods

When an injury sidelines a cyclist, the natural reaction is to cut back on calories until it's time to ride—and burn energy—again. But the healing process demands fuel, too. "It's like fixing a house," says sports dietitian Cynthia Sass, RD, CSSD. "A crack in the foundation requires raw materials to patch things back together, and in the body those raw materials come from what we eat."

Proteins, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants help heal wounds, relax stressed tendons and mend fractured bones more quickly. So in addition to your doc's advice to elevate and ice, choose the right combinations of foods to speed recovery and get back on your bike. Here's where to aim your cart at the Stop & Shop.

Produce Section

BUY: Carrots, spinach, sweet potatoes and kale for vitamin A; oranges, strawberries, peppers and broccoli for vitamin C

WHY: Vitamin A helps make white blood cells for fighting infection, "which is always a risk with injury," says Sass. Vitamin C has been proven to help skin and flesh wounds heal faster and stronger, making it a valuable ally when caring for road rash. Vitamin C also helps repair connective tissues and cartilage by contributing to the formation of collagen, an important protein that builds scar tissue, blood vessels and even new bone cells.

Meat Counter

BUY: Lean turkey, sirloin, fish and chicken

WHY: Lean meats are packed with protein, a critical building block for producing new cells. In a 2008 study published in the Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, researchers at the University of Ottawa identified a protein that acted like a bridge between damaged tissues, promoting repair. Because athletes require about 112 grams of protein per day (for a 175-pound male or female) for optimum healing, eating meat is an easy way to rocket toward this goal faster.

12 Bike fixes explained.

Dairy Department

BUY: Eggs, milk and yogurt

WHY: All three are good sources of protein; milk and yogurt also contain calcium, which repairs bone and muscle. The vitamin D in dairy products improves calcium absorption and helps injured muscle and bone heal: A 2010 study published in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery reported that boosting this nutrient's levels in deficient patients produced earlier results.

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