
15-Minute Core Workout: 5 Moves to Sexy Abs

To get sleek-looking abs, do a million crunches, right? Wrong. This is a big myth, but people still think crunches are the way to build a strong core and sculpt the abs. Doing crunches alone will leave you with an imbalanced body, rounded shoulders, low-back pain and poor posture.

To avoid these issues, try this core workout that will not only strengthen your abdominals and back, but also will create a beautiful and balanced solid body.

More: How Balance Training Improves Athletic Performance

If you're limited on time, make this a 15-minute workout by doing 1 to 2 sets. If you have more time, do 3 to 4 sets. This will take about 30 to 45 minutes.

Note: Sprints are done on their own. Exercises 2 through 5 are to be completed as a circuit. Rest for two minutes in between each circuit, not each move.

More: 30-Day Ab Challenge

How to Do Each Move


  • Sprint as hard and fast as you can for 15 or 20 seconds.
  • Then rest for two minutes and sprint again.

Many people don't realize that sprinting is one of the best exercises for the core.

More: How to Complete High-Intensity Intervals

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About the Author

Leila Harper

Leila holds a B.S. in Public Health, is a certified ACE personal trainer and C.H.E.K. exercise coach. She continues to further her studies with the C.H.E.K institute as well as her nutritional knowledge with various holistic nutritional programs. Harper helps clients from many walks of life achieve healthier lifestyles through exercise and nutrition programs.
Leila holds a B.S. in Public Health, is a certified ACE personal trainer and C.H.E.K. exercise coach. She continues to further her studies with the C.H.E.K institute as well as her nutritional knowledge with various holistic nutritional programs. Harper helps clients from many walks of life achieve healthier lifestyles through exercise and nutrition programs.

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