
10 Secrets of People Who Actually Love to Work Out

You’ve seen them at the gym or running through your neighborhood. They’re fit and happy, projecting endless positivity as they nail that new PR or finish off a round of weighted squats. They’re the people that simply love to work out.

So what’s their secret?

When it comes to actually enjoying your fitness routine, setting goals and getting to work isn’t always enough. For example, most gym-goers want to lose a few vanity pounds, and though this might keep you on track for a week or even a month, as the days pass, your motivation will wane, your progress will slow and you’ll start to see exercise as nothing more than a chore. Soon, you’ll fall off the exercise wagon altogether.

But with the right mindset, working out can be manageable—even better, it can turn into a welcome and lasting addition to your daily schedule.

About the Author

Stephanie Smith

Stephanie Smith is a New York native who caught the fitness bug while earning a master's in journalism at the University of Missouri. A life-long victim of the YMCA family package, she didn't learn to really love fitness until she entered the renowned Mizzou rec room. Her one true love: glow in the dark cycling.
After maxing out her need for (stationary) speed, Stephanie decided to hit the pavement and actually try and go somewhere by joining her first half-marathon training group. She ultimately decided to combine her love of journalism, fitness and a conversational tone in writing. You can see her work here
Stephanie Smith is a New York native who caught the fitness bug while earning a master's in journalism at the University of Missouri. A life-long victim of the YMCA family package, she didn't learn to really love fitness until she entered the renowned Mizzou rec room. Her one true love: glow in the dark cycling.
After maxing out her need for (stationary) speed, Stephanie decided to hit the pavement and actually try and go somewhere by joining her first half-marathon training group. She ultimately decided to combine her love of journalism, fitness and a conversational tone in writing. You can see her work here

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