
11 Things the Best Athletes Do Every Day

I used to think the only things separating soccer superstar Alex Morgan and I were natural skills, ability and hard work. I thought if I just worked out and played soccer all day, I’d be able to make the National Women’s Soccer Team in no time.

But I was—of course—wrong. The work athletes put in on the practice field, basketball court, track or elsewhere is just the tip of the iceberg.

I talked to Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Brice Butler about his daily routines to find out what the real differences are between the best athletes in the world and your average Joe. Butler was drafted in the 2013 NFL draft by the Oakland Raiders before signing with the Cowboys in the 2015 season.

It might be too late to salvage your professional athletic career, but trying a few things from this list will definitely take you to the next level.

About the Author

Nikki Chavanelle

Nikki Chavanelle is one of ACTIVE's Fitness and Nutrition editors. As a former intramural rock star at SMU and current sports junkie, Nikki claims she peaked in college. Follow Nikki on Twitter for fitness and sports chatter.
Nikki Chavanelle is one of ACTIVE's Fitness and Nutrition editors. As a former intramural rock star at SMU and current sports junkie, Nikki claims she peaked in college. Follow Nikki on Twitter for fitness and sports chatter.

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