
13 Tricks to Amp Up Your Workout Plan

11. Write It Down

Remembering every exercise performed, every repetition accomplished, and every weight selected during a previous workout is nearly impossible. Without a record of past workouts it's also difficult to see measureable progress. Using a workout journal or fitness app provides motivation to rock every workout. "Do more, or do it better" becomes an achievable goal.

12. Find a Partner 

People who have an exercise partner are more likely to get active and stay active than those doing it on their own. Finding a workout buddy instantly increases the accountability factor and provides increased motivation to work harder during an exercise session. Plus, exercising with others is a lot more fun!

More: Blast Fat With This Partner Workout

13. Make It Social

Not sure the world really needs to hear the details of your exercise goals or weight-loss targets? Apparently it does! Research shows that social support gained through vocalizing health and fitness goals increases the likelihood of those goals being achieved. So make a few goals public with friends, family, or anyone else who will listen, and then get it done! Posting specific goals on social media outlets enlists hundreds, if not thousands, of instant accountability partners. Try slacking in a workout when the "Twittersphere" is waiting to hear the results!

Ready to ramp things up? Just remember not all techniques will work overnight, and some might be more effective than others depending on a variety of personal factors. Keep an open mind, listen to your body, and don't forget to eat right and get adequate rest.

This article has been read and approved by Greatist Experts Noam Tamir and Rob Sulaver

Have a favorite workout technique we missed? Tell us in the comments below or tweet the author @greenfit_health.

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