
17 Bodyweight Exercises for Speed and Strength

9. Alternating Lunge Jumps: Remember the running man? Begin in a lunge and jump up as high as possible while simultaneously switching the lunge stance in mid-air. Land with the opposite foot forward and then jump again. Think height, not speed. This one is all about generating vertical power.

10. Tuck Jumps: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, crouch down just a bit, and then spring up into the highest jump possible. Quickly tuck the knees to the chest and then extend them down to land softly on the toes. Immediately jump back up—there's no time to rest during this one.

11. Side Plank Star: Every major body movement originates from the body's core. (Not sure? Try running without flexing the glutes, abs or lower back). To get explosive from the core, start in a side plank position with the planted elbow directly beneath the shoulder and both legs stacked. Now, keeping the core muscles tight, raise the top leg as high as possible to form a star position. Return the leg back down and repeat on the same side.

More: Get 6-Pack Abs With Planks

Yowzers—That's Explosive!

12. Full-Body Plyometric Push-Up: Who said people weren't meant to fly? Lower into a push-up position with elbows wide and at a 90-degree angle. Explosively push through the hands and keep an extremely tight core so that the entire body momentarily floats off the floor. Keep that core tight upon landing so that the hips don't drop towards the floor. Move right into the next rep!

13. Kneeling Squat Jump: Ready to kick things up a notch? Begin this advanced move kneeling on the ground with the legs spread a littler wider than the hips. Draw the arms back and then forcefully swing them forward to generate enough momentum to jump up into a squatting position. Step back down into a kneeling position and repeat.

More: Tone Up in 20 Minutes or Less

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Greatist is the fastest-growing fitness, health and happiness media start-up. Check out more health and fitness news, tips, healthy recipes, expert opinion, and fun times at Greatist.
Greatist is the fastest-growing fitness, health and happiness media start-up. Check out more health and fitness news, tips, healthy recipes, expert opinion, and fun times at Greatist.

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