
22 Butt-Kicking Kettlebell Moves

16. Two-arm kettlebell military press

Targets: Shoulders, arms, back
Level: Advanced

How to: Made it through move number 15 without breaking a sweat? Grab two kettlebells and clean them to the rack position (see above). Then, press the kettlebells up while leaning forward at the waist so the weights are positioned behind the head. Bring them back down to the shoulders and continue pressing for 10 to 20 reps, depending on the weight you're pushin'.

17. One-arm kettlebell split jerk

Targets: Shoulders, chest, back, legs
Level: Advanced

How to: Start by cleaning the kettlebell to the shoulder (see move number 15), finishing with the palm facing front. Next, bend the knees and press the kettlebell overhead (see move number 16) while jumping into a position. (Stay steady!) Return to standing while the kettlebell remains overhead, and then lower the weight. Aaand repeat! Shoot for four to six on each side for starters.

18. One-arm kettlebell snatch

Targets: Shoulders, chest, back
Level: Advanced

How to: Start with a kettlebell between the feet with the knees bent. Then, explode up onto your toes, pulling the kettlebell until it reaches the chest with the elbow tucked in. From there, bring the weight overhead (hold on tight). Then bring it back down close to the ground—that's one rep; try for six to eight!

19. Kettlebell power plank with row

Targets: Abs, arms, back
Level: Intermediate-Advanced

How to: Think of this move as the fancy plank. Start in a plank position, but with hands grasping two kettlebell handles. Then, lift one kettlebell up so it reaches the hip—remember to keep the elbow in. Lower back down and repeat with the opposite arm. Do six to eight on each side, or until you feel the burn.

More: The Benefits of Kettlebell Training for Endurance Athletes

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Greatist is the fastest-growing fitness, health and happiness media start-up. Check out more health and fitness news, tips, healthy recipes, expert opinion, and fun times at Greatist.
Greatist is the fastest-growing fitness, health and happiness media start-up. Check out more health and fitness news, tips, healthy recipes, expert opinion, and fun times at Greatist.

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