
26 Ways to Actually Stick to Your Workout

Even the most devoted among us fall off the fitness wagon from time to time.

Weekly regimens of cardio workouts, strength training and healthy eats are replaced by couch time, Netflix and takeout, and just the thought of dragging our butt to the gym is enough to make us audibly groan.

Hey, it happens.

So how do you get back on track after a fitness hiatus and actually make your motivation go the distance? These foolproof tips are exactly what you need.

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About the Author

Jackie Veling

Jackie Veling is a past Senior Editor at She’s passionate about overall wellness and body positivity, and her favorite way to stay active is through running. You can follow her on Twitter.

Jackie Veling is a past Senior Editor at She’s passionate about overall wellness and body positivity, and her favorite way to stay active is through running. You can follow her on Twitter.

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