
30-Day Burpee Challenge

The 30-Day Burpee Challenge

  • Round 1: Days 1 to 6, progress from 10 to 30 burpees, 100 total
  • Round 2: Days 7 to 12, progress from 25 to 35 burpees, 135 total
  • Round 3: Days 13 to 18, progress from 35 to 45 burpees, 185 total
  • Round 4: Days 19 to 24, progress from 45 to 55 burpees, 235 total
  • Round 5: Days 25 to 30, progress from 55 to 65 burpees, 285 total
  • Day 31 BONUS: 60 burpees, 1000 total

30-Day Burpee Challenge Calendar

Get your calendar and tracker to track your progress.

More: 30-Day Push-Up Challenge

Do you have to do all the burpees in a row?

No. It can be challenging to do 15 or 20 burpees. Don't compromise form and risk injury because you're pushing too hard. It's more effective to do six sets of 10 burpees.

The fine print for the 30-Day Burpee Challenge:

  • Decide how many burpees you'll do at a time and your burpee level. You don't need to do them all at once; break them up to hit the target number.  
  • Be sure to use proper form to maximize results and prevent injury. 
  • To maximize your results of this challenge, add in 30 minutes of cardio a day, three times a week along with your current fitness plan.  
  • At the beginning of the month, record your weight and basic measurements. At the end of the month, do the same thing to see your progress.
  • Using your tracker, check off the days as you complete the activities and record the number of reps per set and/or how long it takes you to complete the work so you can track your strength.
  • Don't ignore rest days. They are strategically placed to help your body recover to excel the next day.
  • Be sure to check with your doctor before you start any new exercise regimen.

Get started:

  • Like the 30-Day Challenge Series on FaceBook.
  • Get access to all the trackers by joining the community here

Let us know how your progress is going with the hashtag #Ihateburpees.

More: 30-Day Plank Challenge

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About the Author

Teresa M. Howes

Teresa M. Howes is a nutrition expert, fitness advocate, avid runner, published author and active blogger. Backed with a formal education and over a decade of professional experience consulting in the weight loss industry, she has an arsenal of tools, tips and tricks that she loves to share. Fired up with enthusiasm, she founded the 30-Day Challenge Series in May of 2013 and is thrilled to be cultivating a community of inspired, dedicated and successful fitness enthusiasts. You can find her latest and greatest at
Teresa M. Howes is a nutrition expert, fitness advocate, avid runner, published author and active blogger. Backed with a formal education and over a decade of professional experience consulting in the weight loss industry, she has an arsenal of tools, tips and tricks that she loves to share. Fired up with enthusiasm, she founded the 30-Day Challenge Series in May of 2013 and is thrilled to be cultivating a community of inspired, dedicated and successful fitness enthusiasts. You can find her latest and greatest at

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