
30-Day Plank and Push-Up Challenge

When you start (benchmark):

  • On day 1, you'll do your plank benchmark test by holding your plank for as long as you can while maintaining good form.
  • On day 2, you'll do your push-up benchmark test by doing as many push-ups as you can in 60 seconds with good form.

More: 5 Ways to Perfect the Plank

Throughout the challenge:

Each week aim to add at least 30 seconds more to your plank and 15 more push-ups.

When you finish:

On day 29, take your final plank test and on day 30, take final the push-up test. This allows you to measure your overall growth throughout the challenge.

The Fine Print for the 30-Day Plank and Push-Up Challenge:

  1. Be sure to use proper form and alignment to maximize results and prevent injury.
  2. These exercises will strengthen and tone your muscles. You will still want to incorporate cardiovascular exercise a minimum of 30 minutes per day, five times per week to maximize results of this challenge and improve your health.
  3. At the beginning of the month record your weight and basic measurements along with your benchmark test numbers. At the end of the month, do the same thing to measure your progress.
  4. Using your tracker, check off the days as you complete each exercise and record how long you hold your plank and how many push-ups you do.
  5. Saturday is Challengers Choice: Rest if you need it, repeat your favorite, or test your fitness by doing both exercises for time.

Getting Started:

More: 30-Day Foam Rolling Challenge

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About the Author

Teresa M. Howes

Teresa M. Howes is a nutrition expert, fitness advocate, avid runner, published author and active blogger. Backed with a formal education and over a decade of professional experience consulting in the weight loss industry, she has an arsenal of tools, tips and tricks that she loves to share. Fired up with enthusiasm, she founded the 30-Day Challenge Series in May of 2013 and is thrilled to be cultivating a community of inspired, dedicated and successful fitness enthusiasts. You can find her latest and greatest at
Teresa M. Howes is a nutrition expert, fitness advocate, avid runner, published author and active blogger. Backed with a formal education and over a decade of professional experience consulting in the weight loss industry, she has an arsenal of tools, tips and tricks that she loves to share. Fired up with enthusiasm, she founded the 30-Day Challenge Series in May of 2013 and is thrilled to be cultivating a community of inspired, dedicated and successful fitness enthusiasts. You can find her latest and greatest at

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