
4 Knee Strengthening Exercises

Isometric Hip-Flexion Exercise

This exercise can be done either on the ground or sitting in a chair. Keep your leg straight and lift it a few inches off the ground. By doing this, it will contract the quadriceps muscles. This is a perfect way to activate and strengthen these muscles in order to get that kneecap back in correct traction mode. Do 10 sets of five-second holds per leg.

More4 Tips to Prevent Hip Flexor Pain

Single-Leg Squat With Isometric Hold

When you have built up a tolerance for foam rolling and you're not feeling a lot of pain from basic stair climbing, you can now progress to the single-leg squat. Remember, you can always hold on to a chair or cane for balance. Do not go farther than a 45-degree squat. You'll put a great deal of pressure on your knee joint if you go to a 90-degree angle of lower during your recovery period.

The goal is to get your quadriceps strong and release IT-band tension so you can be functionally active again. Do three sets of 20 repetitions with a 10-second isometric hold at the end per leg.

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About the Author

Kisar S. Dhillon

Kisar S. Dhillon is a professional fitness trainer living in Portland, Oregon. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Kinesiology, Post Baccalaureate Studies in Exercise Physiology and a Master's in Business Administration. He has more than 17 years experience in the health and fitness industry and is currently the owner of The Art of Personal Training. You can follow him on Google Plus, Twitter and on YouTube.
Kisar S. Dhillon is a professional fitness trainer living in Portland, Oregon. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Kinesiology, Post Baccalaureate Studies in Exercise Physiology and a Master's in Business Administration. He has more than 17 years experience in the health and fitness industry and is currently the owner of The Art of Personal Training. You can follow him on Google Plus, Twitter and on YouTube.

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