
4 Morning Yoga Poses

Forward Bend

Improve your posture, alleviate back pain and get blood flow

Why: Sitting down all day puts a ton of pressure on your back and makes your hamstrings very tight. This stretch opens the backside of your body, especially ligaments of the legs (hamstrings) and lower back. It can also help tone your abs, trim your waist and aid in the flow of blood to your brain so you can think more clearly throughout the day.

How: Bend your knees as much as you need to so that you don't feel a pull in your back. Slowly round down and touch your hands to the shower floor. Allow the shower water to beat on your low back. Bend your knees a few times, shake your head and allow for your hamstrings and low back to really open. Hold the forward bend for a few deep breathes. Slowly inhale and round up.

Safety Tip (learned from experience): The shower can be slippery, practice with extreme caution when stretching. A bath mat is recommended to avoid slipping.

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Anna Roberts McMurray specializes in creating and implementing fitness programs designed to achieve the health and fitness goals of her clients safely and efficiently.

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