
4 Simple Tips to Stick to Your Fitness Goals

Do a Little Every Day

Whatever it takes, do something every day.

If your goal is to become stronger and you don't have time to do a "real workout," do one round of burpees or squats in front of the TV at home. Maybe you can do it a few times a day. These small activities will make a big difference when done consistently over time.

More: Equipment-Free Exercises You Can Do Anywhere

If your goal is to become more flexible, but you feel like you don't have time to do a serious stretching routine choose one stretch and do it for 2 minutes in the morning and 2 minutes in the evening. That is almost 30 minutes a week. And that is 25 extra hours of stretching a year. That will make a difference, don't you think? 

If you want to become a better tennis player or more skilled athlete in whatever sport you enjoy, and you don't have time to practice as often as you wish, you can practice mentally. It's called visualizing and can be done just about anywhere, including in the line at the grocery store, at red traffic light or at home before sleep. A few minutes of visualization will add up over time. You'll be surprised how positively it will show in your sport.

If your goal is to become healthier and possibly lose some weight, make one positive change in your diet and stick with it for a while. When it becomes a part of your "normal" eating, add another positive change. You can transform yourself in just a few months or a year.

More: Train Your Brain to Crave Healthy Foods

One super easy step toward your health is adding more raw fruits and vegetables into your diet. It's so simple and effective and everybody can apply this change toward health without any serious efforts.

Ignite Your Internal Motivation

All these little changes are easy to implement, but if you feel burned out and lack motivation, there's no little change that won't feel huge and difficult. For these tough times, you need to find a source of internal motivation. Figure out what drives you. What gets your internal fire going?

For example, what works for me is to look at some super-fit and healthy athletes on the Internet. See how they train and how they look, and that gets me motivated. I want to be like that too.

If you feel like you have problems with sticking to your goals, actions and motivation, find yourself a few amazing people that you truly admire. Print their photo or save it on your phone or computer, and look at it many times during the day. Maybe post a motivational quote to it and you'll feel inspired all the time.

When you're fired up and motivated, a small daily action is super easy to do. When you start doing these small actions, it can turn into bigger,more ambitious activities.

And remember, if you mess up, don't total the whole car.

More: The 30-Day Clean-Eating Challenge

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About the Author

Suzanna McGee

Suzanna McGee is a Ms. Natural Olympia bodybuilding champion and athletic trainer with a focus on sport conditioning and injury prevention. Visit to learn more.
Suzanna McGee is a Ms. Natural Olympia bodybuilding champion and athletic trainer with a focus on sport conditioning and injury prevention. Visit to learn more.

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