
5 Health Tips From Personal Trainer Thomas Roe

Thomas Roe fitness

3. Avoid Diet Fads

Roe is very selective about his food choices. He tends to lean toward fruits, vegetables and lean proteins, and avoids or limits refined sugars, simple carbohydrates and alcohol.

"Diet fads are just that—a fad," he says. "Over 80 percent of people that engage in diets put the weight back on, and in some cases, add more weight."

4. Exercise With a Trainer, Friend or Group

Whether it's with a personal trainer, friend or group, Roe strongly believes that working out with others gives people the best chance of having a successful training plan.

"There's something set within us that we don't want to let people down or get the reputation of being unreliable," he says. "Knowing you have other people waiting for your committed arrival for a workout or run often yields accountability and success."

5. Eat and Drink Water Throughout the Day

Avoid skipping meals and going long periods of time without eating or drinking water. Additionally, Roe recommends eating and hydrating often throughout the day instead of conforming to eating just breakfast, lunch and dinner.

"Don't get me wrong, I do join friends and loved ones for sit-down meals, but for the most part, I eat throughout the day," he says. "This allows my body to know it's been fed so it doesn't go into starvation mode or slow my metabolism to a crawl."

When it comes to hydration, Roe suggests drinking at least half of your bodyweight in ounces daily. For example, if you weigh 180 pounds, you should drink at least 90 ounces of water.

"You'll see plenty of great benefits by just drinking lots of water daily," Roe says.


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About the Author


Hunter Hewitt

Hunter Hewitt is the fitness editor for As a former collegiate athlete, Hunter has always been passionate about living an active, healthy lifestyle. He enjoys weightlifting, basketball, ultimate frisbee and many other outdoor sports and activities. Follow Hunter on Twitter @HunterHewitt
Hunter Hewitt is the fitness editor for As a former collegiate athlete, Hunter has always been passionate about living an active, healthy lifestyle. He enjoys weightlifting, basketball, ultimate frisbee and many other outdoor sports and activities. Follow Hunter on Twitter @HunterHewitt

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