
5 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Personal Trainer

4. Can You Put Me in Touch With Any Former Clients?

Gentilcore and Lovitt both stress the importance of talking to former clients or reading their testimonials. "Make sure they're not just motivational, that they actually know what they're doing," says Lovitt.

Talking to a trainer's other clients will help you learn what it's like to work out with him or her before you fork over your hard-earned cash for your first session. Gentilcore recommends asking about the trainer's general philosophy and how they treat their clients.

You can also ask what they liked and disliked about the trainer, how the trainer helped them push through those tough final reps, whether the trainer explained the purpose of each move, and how quickly they started seeing results after starting to work out with the trainer.

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5. What's Your Training Personality Like?

You can ask this question directly or, at the very least, make sure you chat with the trainer enough before hiring them to make sure you'll work well together and that their style is appealing to you. After all, says Lovitt, personality is everything.

"Some people want a drill sergeant who can keep them motivated, but others don't like having somebody in their face," says Gentilcore.

Read the original article published on Women's Health. 

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Women's Health

Lively, fun and provocative, the Women's Health brand addresses 360 degrees of life for the new generation of contemporary, confident, ambitious women. By connecting with our readers in the frank, irreverent voice of a trusted girlfriend, the clever, service-driven content transcends the title, making the brand a true one-stop lifestyle resource for millions of women who are making their mark.
Lively, fun and provocative, the Women's Health brand addresses 360 degrees of life for the new generation of contemporary, confident, ambitious women. By connecting with our readers in the frank, irreverent voice of a trusted girlfriend, the clever, service-driven content transcends the title, making the brand a true one-stop lifestyle resource for millions of women who are making their mark.

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