
5 Strength-Training Tips to Build Muscle

Keep 'Training to Failure' to Minimum

Training to failure is when you do a set to the point of temporary muscular fatigue, and you can't do another rep.  While it might seem like a hardcore way to train, the fact is doing training to failure in the long run will lead to overtraining and possible injuries. However, if you stop your set one to two reps short of failure, then you will feel much better, prevent injuries and will gain strength faster.

For example, if you can squat 175 pounds for seven reps, then do five reps. Yes, in theory it sounds like you're giving up before, but this way will help you add more weight to your lifting regimen without burning out. If you still want to train to failure, then do it on your last set of each exercise.

Try to Move the Weight Faster

A lot of books will tell you that you must lift weight slowly, and while that is good for beginners when learning form, you need to try and move the weight faster when you want to get strong. Trying to move a weight slowly will never let you lift real heavy weights. On the other hand, when you try to move the weight with speed, your fast twitch muscle fibers, which are stronger, will come into play.

To verify this point, take a look at Olympic weightlifters, you will see that they move huge weights from point A to point B in a second. If they tried to do this in a slow motion, then they would end up lifting less than half of what they do. Similarly when a martial artist kicks or punches, they do so with speed to create maximum force, otherwise their strike would not have much impact. So focus on speed to get strong. However do keep in mind that trying to lift with speed doesn't mean that you use poor form, or lift in a dangerous manner. You still need to maintain proper technique and form.

To see results, make sure you implement these five tips into your training routine, and stay consistent, to gain strength.

More: 4 Dumbbell Exercises to Build Fast Muscle

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About the Author

Arnav Sarkar

Arnav Sarkar is a strength and conditioning trainer who relies on simplicity in his training method for achieving the best results. He also writes for various websites and magazines on training and nutrition. Visit to learn more.
Arnav Sarkar is a strength and conditioning trainer who relies on simplicity in his training method for achieving the best results. He also writes for various websites and magazines on training and nutrition. Visit to learn more.

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