
5 Ways to Burn an Extra 200 Calories

4. Gardening

Gardening is a hidden treasure for burning calories because you have the added benefit of getting in touch with nature and breathing in fresh air. It can also be very relaxing and help clear your mind.

The continuous simple act of kneeling, standing, weeding, and watering can burn over 300 calories per hour. Calories breakdowns are as follows:

  • Ride-on mower: 101 calories
  • Push mower: 182 calories
  • Manual shears: 182 calories
  • Weeding: 182 calories for ? hour

More: Garden Your Way Fit

5. Swimming

Swimming is a great workout which exercises all major muscle groups in the body and therefore is a very effective way to burn calories. This is a perfect form of exercise since there is no stress on muscles and joints. The swim stroke you choose will determine how many calories you burn. Here is a breakdown:


This is the quickest swimming stroke. It tones your abdominals, glutes, shoulders, and strengthens your back.

  • Calories burned: 100 every 10 minutes


This stroke provides a good workout for chest muscles, inner thigh, shoulders, hamstrings, and triceps. It also tones up the heart and lungs.

  • Calories burned: 60 every 10 minutes


This stroke tones the buttocks, stomach, shoulders, and arms.

  • Calories burned: 80 every 10 minutes


This stroke improves upper body strength, increases flexibility, tones abdominals, chest, back muscles, arms, and triceps.

  • Calories burned: 150 every 10 minutes

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About the Author

James Penn

James Penn is passionate about using the power of nature's wonders for achieving ultimate health. He shares his natural tips, tricks and secrets to cheat your way to a healthy mind and body at
James Penn is passionate about using the power of nature's wonders for achieving ultimate health. He shares his natural tips, tricks and secrets to cheat your way to a healthy mind and body at

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