
5 Ways to Stay Active During the Holiday Season

Just because there's snow on the ground and eggnog in the punch bowl, doesn't mean it's time to give up on your exercise plan.

It's a challenge to eat healthy and squeeze in a workout when you have work parties and family gatherings, but it can be done. Tim Ferriss, author of The 4-Hour Workweek, says, "Lack of time is just a lack of priority". Even during a challenging time of the year, you have to make your health a priority in your life.

Change your mindset and look at this additional family time as an opportunity to bond with your relatives and exercise in group settings.

If you're traveling and unable to get to your regular gym or perform your typical routine, the holidays provide you with a reason to change things up and maybe even try something new. Here are a couple of ideas to help you, and your loved ones, stay active and healthy this holiday season.

1. Plan in Advance

If you are traveling to another city or state, hop online and do a little research. Inquire about temporary gym memberships or see if you can be an "add-on" to your family member's existing membership.

If you would rather be outdoors and are traveling somewhere warm, look up running routes and hiking trails in the area. There are many resources online to help you with your search.

2. Participate in a Holiday-Themed Run

Most cities and towns now offer Turkey Trots, Rudolph Runs or Santa 5Ks. Preparing for a run, walk or obstacle course race will help you stay motivated to work out. Invite your friends and family members to participate, this way you all are help accountable to show up.

Register for a 2015 Holiday race or a 2016 New Years race.

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About the Author

Doug Balzarini, CSCS, MMA-CC

Doug Balzarini, CSCS, MMA-CC, is a fitness professional and the founder of DB Strength in San Diego. He is also the head strength and conditioning coach for Alliance Training Center where he works with many top professional MMA athletes. Visit for more information.

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