
6 Ways to Get Fit for Summer

Spring is in full swing and those pounds you put on over the winter don't match anything you have in your swimsuit collection. It's not too late to get lean before pool season begins, and spring is the perfect time to begin changing your habits to meet a healthier lifestyle.

Here are six different ways you can change your fitness routines and diet plans to look better this summer.

Rebuild Your Strength in the Gym

First things first, if you have been "taking it easy" over the winter, you are going to need to rebuild your strength in the gym. Start visiting 5 to 6 times a week to perform light cardio on the treadmill, elliptical or exercise bike.

You should also begin to incorporate weights into your workouts until you are comfortable enough to get back into your normal fitness routine.

More: Weight-Lifting Tips for Newbies

Purchase Trail Running Shoes

Nothing breaks up the monotony of running on a treadmill all winter than the natural beauty and variety of a dirt or asphalt trail.

By purchasing a brand new pair of trail running shoes, you will be more motivated to explore different parks and trails, which will add variety to your workout.

Discover a New Fitness Routine

Are you tired of performing the same cardiovascular exercise or weight training year in and year out? Spring is a great time to check out new programs such as yoga, Pilates or bootcamps with other people.

More: 11 Butt-Kicking Tabata Exercises

Join a Sports League

If you're looking to build your fitness while also building some team camaraderie, join a sports league at your local park. Traditional games such as soccer and softball are easy to find while kickball, rugby and footy are beginning to catch on.

Eat Your Greens

Not only does spring provide the perfect conditions for getting back into shape, it also provides the perfect conditions for growing leafy vegetables. Load up on seasonal specialties made with kale, spinach, asparagus, artichoke and spring greens for a boost of iron and protein in your diet plan.

More: Which is the Best Leafy Green?

Set a Goal for September or October

Most marathons, triathlons and large obstacle course races take place towards the end of summer and the beginning of fall. With a goal in sight for the end of summer you will have increased motivation to keep up with your fitness plans.

More: My First Triathlon: 15 Things I Learned

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About the Author is dedicated to help you improve your health and get in shape with the right diet and exercise. Now's the time to get started...and get results. is dedicated to help you improve your health and get in shape with the right diet and exercise. Now's the time to get started...and get results.

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