
6 Ways to Make Exercise a Priority

Change It Up

Doing a steady 45 minutes on the elliptical can get boring, so it's OK to change up your routine every few weeks to keep your workouts interesting. You don't want to hit a fitness plateau and then give up all together.

Enroll in a Zumba dance class, lift heavier weights and alternate between a light jog and sprints for your treadmill routine. Also, don't be afraid to take your workout outside of the gym. Mother nature offers more than enough resources for you to use in order to get a butt-kicking workout. Why not hike your local mountains, ride your bike around the park, run on the beach and take a tennis lesson at the local courts. If you keep your workouts exciting, you'll probably never want to stop.

Reward Yourself

Rewarding yourself is a great incentive to work out even harder, especially since it's very easy to lose sight of your ultimate goal, and let's face it, we all lack motivation at some point. Reward yourself for reaching a certain goal by getting a massage or purchase those new Nike shoes you've been dying to have. Little gifts for yourself can move you to do better and ultimately achieve more.

Never Give Up

No matter the circumstance, never stop running towards what you want to achieve. A healthy lifestyle is forever, not something that happens for a year and then dissipates. If you're taking control of your own body and health, stick with it. It's OK to have an off day and want to be lazy, but it's important to fight through the stress, the long days and busy schedules. Push through your workouts and your journey to a healthier lifestyle. Fight for your right to be fit and fabulous.

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About the Author

Alana Brager

Alana Michelle Brager is fitness and health freelance writer, who shares her health tips and recipes on her blog, Edible Health and motivational fitness pictures on A Fashionably Fit Lifestyle. Alana is becoming a Certified Fitness Nutritionist through the International Sports Sciences Association, while also writing for the websites and
Alana Michelle Brager is fitness and health freelance writer, who shares her health tips and recipes on her blog, Edible Health and motivational fitness pictures on A Fashionably Fit Lifestyle. Alana is becoming a Certified Fitness Nutritionist through the International Sports Sciences Association, while also writing for the websites and

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