
7 Days and 7 Habits to a Healthier Life

5. Thursday: Keep a Daily Food Journal

Keeping a food journal will help you lose weight. It will hold you accountable for truthful meal intake and map out what's going on each day—the type of exercise you did, how much fluid you consumed, and how many hours of sleep you got each night. Keeping a journal forces you to record the truth, unless you consciously decide to fool yourself.

6. Friday: Ditch the Alcohol

At the end of the week or even during the week, you may rely on alcohol to calm your mind after a long and hard work week. However, alcohol doesn't offer your body any nutritional value and it also disrupts sleep. Poor sleep leads to cravings for sugar the next day, which will throw you off your healthy path of optimal nutrition. Alcohol never solves your problems, either. Finding an outlet that helps you cope with your issues more effectively will only enhance your quality of life. Dive into a new activity on a Friday night instead. Go bowling or for a sunset hike. You can even treat yourself to a therapeutic massage after a long work week.

7. Saturday: Welcome the Change

Change is hard. However, it reinvents who we are as people. How we embrace change is a strong indication of our true character. In your quest for a healthy life, you must open up your mind to what living a healthy lifestyle means. Take a day to reflect on how you've changed your week to incorporate more physical activity, better nutrition, more quality sleep, better stress management and an overall open mind to the change. Don't be hard on yourself. Allow yourself the chance to evolve, one day at a time.

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About the Author

Jenn Zerling, MS

Jennifer "JZ" Zerling, has an M.S. in Kinesiology and holds multiple certifications in personal training, Spin, nutrition and yoga. Her leadership experience includes directing the fitness and nutrition for guests at Stay Fit Housing, directing the fitness and nutrition department for Cenegenics Beverly Hills, clinic management for several Lindora Medical Weight Loss Clinics in Southern California, Fitness and General Management for the Sports Club/LA and fitness programmer for high schools involved in Matthew McConaughey's non-profit foundation, Just Keep Livin. She also developed and operates a successful corporate wellness program for South Bay BMW and writes courses for national personal training organizations. JZ's fitness and nutrition writings can be found in multiple media resources (including and she authored the book, Breaking the Chains of Obesity, 107 Tools. She is a fitness and nutrition presenter at national conferences and her JZ Fitness Nutrition app is available on iTunes and Android.
Jennifer "JZ" Zerling, has an M.S. in Kinesiology and holds multiple certifications in personal training, Spin, nutrition and yoga. Her leadership experience includes directing the fitness and nutrition for guests at Stay Fit Housing, directing the fitness and nutrition department for Cenegenics Beverly Hills, clinic management for several Lindora Medical Weight Loss Clinics in Southern California, Fitness and General Management for the Sports Club/LA and fitness programmer for high schools involved in Matthew McConaughey's non-profit foundation, Just Keep Livin. She also developed and operates a successful corporate wellness program for South Bay BMW and writes courses for national personal training organizations. JZ's fitness and nutrition writings can be found in multiple media resources (including and she authored the book, Breaking the Chains of Obesity, 107 Tools. She is a fitness and nutrition presenter at national conferences and her JZ Fitness Nutrition app is available on iTunes and Android.

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