Summer is here and it's time to keep beach body. Pilates is one of the most effective methods for toning the abs, hips, waist, and thighs. As Joseph Pilates himself allegedly said, in 10 sessions you'll feel better, in 20 sessions you'll look better, and after 30 sessions you'll have a completely new body.
Do these moves three to four times a week in addition to your other workouts and you'll be ready to rock that bikini with confidence.
The Hundred
1 of 8Start lying on your back and lift your legs 45 degrees off the mat and lengthen out through your arms as you lift your head, neck, and shoulders off the floor. Pump your arms vigorously up and down five times on an inhalation and five times on an exhalation. Repeat 10 times for 100 pumps.
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Single-Leg Circles
2 of 8Start lying on your back and lift your right leg up and keep your body still as you make 8 clockwise circles, then 8 counter-clockwise. Repeat with your left leg.
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Single-Leg Straight-Leg Stretch
3 of 8Start lying on your back and lift your head, neck, and shoulders up. Kick your left leg straight up and pull twice with your hands as you lengthen your right leg, then switch and pull the right leg. Continue alternating legs for 8 reps.
Photo courtesy of Appcession/
Double-Leg Stretch
4 of 8Pull your knees to your chest and lift your head and neck off the floor. Extend your arms overhead and your legs out to 45 degrees, then circle your arms around and pull your knees back in to your chest. Repeat 8 times.
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Small Circles
5 of 8Start lying on your side with your legs slightly in front of your hips. Lift your top leg a few inches, turn your toes up to the ceiling. Circle your leg forward 8 times then backwards 8 times, making tiny circles. Don't let your body rock at all–stay solid in your center. Repeat on the left side.
Photo courtesy of Appcession/
Side Kicks
6 of 8Start lying on your side with your legs slightly in front of your hips. Turn your right toes up to the ceiling then lift and lower your right leg 8 times without letting your hips rock backward. Keep your core tight the entire time. Repeat on the left side.
Photo courtesy of Appcession/
7 of 8Start lying on your stomach with your arms by your sides. Lift your torso and legs up off the mat as you lengthen your arms forward by your ears, reaching long from fingers to toes. Lower down to starting position. Repeat 3 to 5 times.
Photo courtesy of Appcession/
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