
7 Yoga Poses That Help Digestion

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If you suffer from digestive issues, you're not alone. An estimated 60 to 70 million people suffer from digestive diseases—from gallstones to chronic constipation. Because about 75 percent of your immune system lives in your stomach, it's important to make sure you have good gut health.

"In the integrative medicine community, good gut health is the key to long-term wellness," says Tasneem Bhatia, M.D., yoga instructor and author of The 21-Day Belly Fix. And good gut health includes digestion.

Eating is one way you can work to improve your stomach issues. "Poor digestive health has to do with a lack of a diverse range of bacteria in food," Bhatia says. "Good bacteria, found naturally in yogurt and kefir, help promote digestion and metabolism of food."

Another way to help your belly? Yoga! Because many of the poses open and stretch the front of the body, they are able to get blood flowing and improve digestion.

With some big holiday meals around the corner, you may want to have a plan in case you experience some stomach issues. Below are some of the best yoga poses to ease that stuffed feeling.

Photo Credit: Beth Cooke from Y7 Yoga

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