They say if you don’t use it, you’ll lose it. This adage holds true for many things in life, and flexibility is one of them. We’re born to move and move well—including in our hips.
The hips are densely constructed with muscles, ligaments and tendons. These stable yet mobile joints allow us to generate power, move fast, lift heavy objects and jump high. Because they're made up of so many moving parts, tightness is inevitable. With tightness comes restriction, and when there’s restriction, our movement patterns change.
Stretching is a great way to release the tension that builds up in the hip joint, but sitting in a stretch for a given amount of time isn’t enough. When we combine it with rhythmic and slow breathing, the stretch becomes a yoga posture.
Yoga goes beyond just flexibility by way of alignment, mindfulness and movement. It provides you with a deeper and more effective stretch, and that’s exactly what we want for the hips.