
9 Tips to Push Past a Workout Plateau

You've been working out for weeks and you've noticed your waist is looking slimmer, arms are toner, and your overall strength is great. But, what happens when you start to feel sluggish and don't notice much change in your body? That's a sign that you've hit a wall. How do you push past this? Here are a few tips to help you break through your plateau.

More4 Stages of Exercise Burnout—And How to Avoid Them

1. Evaluate What's Going on in Your Life

Are you stressed? Busy at work? Do you have too many commitments? Make a list of everything you have going on and prioritize your daily tasks. If you have too many things to do in a day, you'll over exert your body and won't have energy to work out. By prioritizing your daily tasks, you'll know what to do each day and save energy to get you through a work out.

2. Avoid Overtraining

Do you find yourself struggling to lift the same weight you lifted the week before? This is a sign that your muscles are fatigued. Allow your body some time to rest. Go for a light swim instead of hitting the weight room.  

MoreHow to Avoid Overtraining

3. Find a Personal Trainer

Look for a trainer to help you switch up your fitness routine. This will help shock your muscles and get them to work in different ways than you're used to.

MoreHow to Choose the Right Personal Trainer

4. Perfect Your Technique

Ask a personal trainer to look at your form and give you feedback.  A good trainer will be happy to help even if you aren't paying them. This will help you lift properly and avoid injuries. You may discover you were doing the exercise completely wrong.

5. Periodize Your Work Out

Periodize training means you change your training program at regular intervals or "periods". The idea is to challenge your muscles. Change the amount of reps or sets you do per exercise. Switch the order of exercises, try cardio after a weight-lifting session or test out speed drills.

6. Try High Intensity Training

High intensity training engages both the fast and slow twitch muscle fibers, which help sculpt and tone your body. Try 30 to 60 seconds of jumping rope or mountain climbers in-between each set.

MoreHigh Intensity VS. Steady State Workouts

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About the Author

Leila Harper

Leila holds a B.S. in Public Health, is a certified ACE personal trainer and C.H.E.K. exercise coach. She continues to further her studies with the C.H.E.K institute as well as her nutritional knowledge with various holistic nutritional programs. Harper helps clients from many walks of life achieve healthier lifestyles through exercise and nutrition programs.
Leila holds a B.S. in Public Health, is a certified ACE personal trainer and C.H.E.K. exercise coach. She continues to further her studies with the C.H.E.K institute as well as her nutritional knowledge with various holistic nutritional programs. Harper helps clients from many walks of life achieve healthier lifestyles through exercise and nutrition programs.

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