
A SMART Plan to Achieve Your New Year's Fitness Goals

Now that you have a way to make your resolutions SMART, the next step is to find motivation to complete your workouts. Let's be real. There will be numerous times when you'll make excuses to avoid working out. No matter what the excuse is, you have to remind yourself that you matter and are deserve a healthy, fit body and lifestyle.

There are several ways to get through the workouts that you just don't want to complete. These strategies will keep you inspired through those tough times.

1. Start with Your SMART Resolution

Write it down and post it somewhere you look every day (the fridge) so you read your goal every day.

2. Get Creative

Switch up your workouts or participate in different classes. Focus on specific muscle groups on specific days. Bring music to distract your mind during the cardio sessions.

3. Early Bird Gets the Worm

Get up early to complete your workout—this will get your blood pumping at the start of your day and will also get the obligation out of the way. Afterwards, head home to slug back a protein shake to help repair your muscles.

4. Be Your Own Best Friend

Take care of your body. Replenish it with healthy foods. In fact, diet is just as important—if not more—than exercising!

5. Reward Yourself

You work exceptionally hard. Plan to reward yourself with a treat of some kind. Buy yourself something tangible like new yoga pants or new running shoes. You deserve it.

Actions speak louder than words. As 2016 approaches, think about all of the opportunities you have to set yourself up for success and reach your goals. Positivity is the key and only you can unlock the changes.

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