
An Interval Training Workout to Boost Your Metabolism

No Equipment, No Problem

Interval training doesn't require fancy equipment or pricey exercise programs. If you don't have equipment, use your bodyweight. Switching between push-ups, sit-ups, squats and lunges, without taking time to rest, will bring your the heart rate up in no time. Or, go for a run. Instead of running at a comfortable pace, sprint as fast as possible and then jog. Then do it again throughout a 30 minute run.

If you're feeling really ambitious, try combining bodyweight exercises with sprints to create a strength building, heart pumping, total-body workout.

More: 30-Day Fitness Challenge

Try This Interval Workout

The Warm-Up

Start with dynamic stretching. Jog for 8 to 10 minutes and then perform moves like high-knees, butt-kicks, leg swings and lunges.

The Workout

It's best to measure the distance for this workout. So head to a running track or football field that has the distances mapped out. Otherwise, consider setting up distance markers or use two objects like telephone poles to establish a start and stop point. This workout can be performed as it's written or modified based on your abilities. For example, increase or decrease the distance of the run, or swap out the exercises for easier or more difficult alternatives.

If you're looking for a more challenging workout, try completing this routine 2 to 3 times, resting for three minutes in between each circuit.

  • 25 bodyweight squats
  • Run 200 meters
  • 25 push-ups
  • Run 200 meters
  • 25 sit-ups
  • Run 200 meters
  • 25 burpees
  • Run 200 meters
More: Your 2-Week Workout Plan to Lose Inches

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About the Author

Joe Vennare

Joe Vennare, one of the nation's top trainers, is a freelance writer and a fitness entrepreneur who created Hybrid Athlete, Kettlebell Cardio? and Race Day Domination.
Joe Vennare, one of the nation's top trainers, is a freelance writer and a fitness entrepreneur who created Hybrid Athlete, Kettlebell Cardio? and Race Day Domination.

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