
Deadbugs: The Core Exercise You Should Be Doing

"The objective is to not go fast, but rather control the movement and learn to use the core to stabilize the spine while gaining movement from the hips and not the lower back," Gentilcore says. "I like to suggest incorporating a full exhale as one lowers the limbs."

While performing the exercise, practice using a deep inhalation and think about driving your lower back into the floor. As you lower your limbs, try to exhale all your air within a 3 to 5 second count.

Once you exhale all your air, you should feel your rib cage depress and the heel of your extended leg should hover an inch or two above the ground. Hold this position for 1 to 2 seconds, and inhale as you return back to the starting position.

"When incorporating the full exhale, many will notice a lot more shaking," Gentilcore says. "This is fine, because it means the muscles are now doing their job to fire and stabilize."

Gentilcore recommends starting with 5 reps per side. You can increase from there, but you shouldn't be performing more than 8 to 10 reps per side.

More: 5 Pilates Exercises to Tone Your Core


Some beginners may need to practice less-strenuous variations at first.

One may need to keep the legs bent at 90 degrees and focus on moving through the hips and performing more of a heel tap to the floor. Extending the leg will increase the lever arm (the distance limb must travel) and make it more challenging.

"Sometimes it's beneficial to move arms, but only for beginners," Gentilcore says. "Again, the main focus should be to keep the lower back against the floor the entire time. If someone is unable to do so with the legs, then try arms only."

To add variation to the exercises, try holding a dumbbell or kettlebell above your body. Hold the weight in the hand of the arm you're extending.

More: 6 Core Exercises for Six-Pack Abs

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