
How to Treat a Sunburn

Aloe-Ha?—Your Action Plan

The best way to treat a sunburn is to prevent it from happening in the first place! Make sure to apply sunscreen over the entire body (especially if headed to the nude beach).

Any part of the bod can be burned, including earlobes, the scalp, lips and eyes. But if it's a little too late, try these tips to treat the burn:

  • Cool off. Lightly apply a cold compress (like a wet washcloth) to the burned skin. Definitely do not apply ice, which may irritate the skin even more.
  • Soothe the sore. Try applying some aloe to help reduce skin inflammation. Skip skin products that contain alcohol—this may dry out skin even more.
  • Hit the pharmacy. If the pain persists, try taking an anti-inflammatory medication like ibuprofen or aspirin. Or skip the pill and try a gel; in one study, the topical NSAID diclofenac helped decrease the pain and swelling of slightly sunburned folk.
  • Don't pop the blisters! Once you pop, the fun will stop. If blisters appear, breaking them will only increase the risk of infection. Instead, cover them lightly with gauze.
  • Be smart in the sun. This is a no brainer. If you have a sunburn, stick to the shade! Apply a layer of aloe and some sunscreen for extra protection, too. And while you're at it, chow down on some sun-friendly foods, like salmon, dark chocolate and tea, which all contain antioxidants that can help block UV rays from the skin.

Have you ever dealt with a painful sunburn? What did you find was the best way to treat the burn?

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Greatist is the fastest-growing fitness, health and happiness media start-up. Check out more health and fitness news, tips, healthy recipes, expert opinion, and fun times at Greatist.
Greatist is the fastest-growing fitness, health and happiness media start-up. Check out more health and fitness news, tips, healthy recipes, expert opinion, and fun times at Greatist.

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