
Nighttime Habits of the Fittest People

They limit the screen time.

You knew this one had to be on the list. Fit people simply do not waste hours in front of a screen at night, whether it's an endless scroll through Instagram or an episode-after-episode Netflix binge. That being said, we live in a digital world, which means it can be pretty unrealistic for most us to do without screen time altogether. That's why fit people focus on limiting--not eliminating.

Set parameters for your screen time during the evening hours. Is there a cutoff for checking your work (or personal) email? How about one episode of a show each night instead of three? And for social media, why not set a time limit for scrolling? Not only will reducing your screen time help you sleep better, but your evenings will likely feel more satisfying.

They sometimes miss a workout.

You read that right. One of the trademarks of being and staying fit is actually missing a workout sometimes. Whether you feel sick, absolutely exhausted or just completely put off by the idea of hitting the gym, it's important to listen to your body's signals. Fit people will not derail the rest of their life, their mental sanity or their bodily health simply to check off that workout box. Remember: A workout should make you feel better, not worse. And if you don't think that will be the case that day, it's okay to give yourself some time off. 

They sometimes say no to plans.

Fit people also know how to sometimes say no to something else: social plans. To prioritize your health goals, you may have to occasionally say no to an ill-timed evening out. For example, if you're planning to run a new distance and your training program means 6 a.m. group runs every Saturday morning, a bar crawl may not be your best option for a Friday night. 

They incorporate some kind of self-care. 

Self-care is a pretty buzzy topic as of late. Since most of us feel overscheduled and overwhelmed, it's important to make time to actively care for ourselves, particularly in the evenings after a long day. Fit people find a number of ways to show themselves some TLC. It could be a warm bubble bath with Epsom salts, an hour getting lost in an absorbing novel, a savory glass of red wine or just rolling out their sore muscles on the foam roller. 

Self-care is completely individualized and up to you; what matters is that you make time for it before going to bed. 

They keep it simple.

Above all, fit people keep their evening routines simple. 

Find what works best for you--what truly feels good--and stick to that. This will help you wake up the next morning ready to tackle a new day and continue working towards your own health and fitness goals.

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About the Author

Jackie Veling

Jackie Veling is a past Senior Editor at She’s passionate about overall wellness and body positivity, and her favorite way to stay active is through running. You can follow her on Twitter.

Jackie Veling is a past Senior Editor at She’s passionate about overall wellness and body positivity, and her favorite way to stay active is through running. You can follow her on Twitter.

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