
No-Crunch Ab Workout: 5 Moves to a Flat Stomach

You've tried everything to get rid of your belly. But crunch after crunch, you're still not seeing your abs. There are two major components to achieve sleek abs; one is diet and the other is exercise.

Before you start ab exercises you first need to clean up your diet. Create a slight calorie deficit while consuming a lot of protein, fibrous fruits and veggies, healthy fats, water and complex carbs. This is the first step to help you flatten your midsection.

More3 Moves to Sculpt a Solid Core

When it comes to ab training, you need to focus on compound exercises. Compound exercises are multi-joint movements that work various muscles or muscle groups at once. Crunches are easy; you simply lay on the floor and lift up (many people perform this exercise wrong, and injure themselves instead of strengthening the core). To really work your core and trim your stomach, you need to do challenging movements. Difficult exercises, like squats or push-ups, take you out of your comfort zone and utilize your whole body—this is the key to develop rock-hard abs.

Build a solid core and get defined abs with these five no-crunch moves.

MoreTone Up With These 5 Fast-Firming Moves

Kettlebell Renegade Rows

You may think that a row will only work your lat muscles, but the renegade works your whole body—especially the core. To do this correctly, first get in a push-up position with your hands on two kettlebell handles. From there row one bell to your side, while pressing down the other handle to stabilize yourself. Return the rowed bell to the ground and repeat on the other side.

Make sure your body is in a straight line. Don't lift your hips high in an "A" position and avoid sagging hips.

Do 6 to 8 reps. As you gain strength, try 12 to 15 reps on each side.

Kettlebell Front Squats

The front squat forces the abdominals to contract while doing a squat motion.

Hold the kettlebell in front of you (about chest level) with your wrists straight and elbows close to your body, this is called the rack position. Stand tall, make sure your feet are about hip-width apart and your upper body is straight. Now lower down like you're about to sit in a chair. Hold for a second and then lift your body back up to a standing position.

Start with a lighter weight. As you get stronger, go heavier—your core will work harder.
Do 6 to 8 reps. As you gain strength, try 12 to 15 reps.

More3 Squat Variations and Proper Technique Tips

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About the Author

Arnav Sarkar

Arnav Sarkar is a strength and conditioning trainer who relies on simplicity in his training method for achieving the best results. He also writes for various websites and magazines on training and nutrition. Visit to learn more.
Arnav Sarkar is a strength and conditioning trainer who relies on simplicity in his training method for achieving the best results. He also writes for various websites and magazines on training and nutrition. Visit to learn more.

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