
Planks Revamped: 4 Moves to 6-Pack Abs

Jump Out

Start in a plank position. Tighten your tummy and jump your feet from the start position to a wide stance. Then jump them back together. It's like you're doing jumping jacks, but in the plank position.


Get Up, Then Get Down

Start in a forearm plank. Shift your weight into your left forearm and lift your right forearm up and place your right hand on the ground. Then, shift your weight to your right hand, so you're able to lift your left forearm off the ground and place your left hand on the floor. Now you're in a basic plank position. Reverse the move by walking back down onto your forearms. Right side then left side. Walk up and walk down as many times as you can in 60 seconds.

Plank Ups-1-360 Plank Ups-2-360

More30-Day Plank Challenge

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About the Author

Joe Vennare

Joe Vennare, one of the nation's top trainers, is a freelance writer and a fitness entrepreneur who created Hybrid Athlete, Kettlebell Cardio? and Race Day Domination.
Joe Vennare, one of the nation's top trainers, is a freelance writer and a fitness entrepreneur who created Hybrid Athlete, Kettlebell Cardio? and Race Day Domination.

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