
Quiz: How Fit Are You?


A = 3 Points
B = 2 Points
C = 1 Point

Total your points together to determine how fit you are.

Your Fitness Level

20 to 24 Points: You've Got Work to Do.
14 to 19 Points: You're on the Right Track—Take It Up a Notch.
13 to 8 Points: Way to Work It—You're a Fitness Rock Star!

You've Got Work to Do. So you may not be able to hold a plank for very long. But if you set goals, make a training plan, and get active a few more days a week, you'll be on your way to losing fat, gaining strength, and holding that plank longer. Just keep trekking.

Active logoGet motivated in a fitness class.

You're on the Right Track—Take It Up a Notch. You are determined to PR at your next 5K, but you just need that extra motivation to reach your goal. Grab a friend, try a new training plan, or switch up your exercise routine to help you reach your goals. Don't get lazy; you are so close. Keep up the good work.

Active logoPush yourself more; sign up for a training plan.

Way to Work It—You're a Fitness Rock Star! Which race are you doing next week? You are self-motivated and live and breathe fitness. You deserve a medal.  Push yourself even more; switch up your fitness routine and try to shed a few seconds off your race time. Can you handle the challenge?

Active logoChallenge yourself; set a new PR at your next race.

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