
The Benefits of Functional Core Training

What Are the Benefits of a Strong Core?

  • Work Multiple Muscles at Once
  • Reduce Back Pain
  • Improve Posture
  • Enhance Performance

More: 4 Core Exercises for Stability, Strength and Injury Prevention

Besides the fact that you work multiple muscles at once to create a toned look, you are also strengthening your back.

Have you ever heard the phrase, "Weak back means weak abs?" The phrase should say, "Weak back is a weak core," because your core muscles are linked to your lower back. If you have back pain, it's probably due to an unbalanced core. When you work on strengthening your core, your posture develops, creating a stronger lumbar curve and aligning your spine.

When your core is weak, your spine naturally curves. Think about people who sit all day hunched over in front of a computer or who drive for long periods of time. Your spine is compressed and curved in these positions, creating a great deal of stress on your back. When you add core exercises to your daily routine, you lengthen your core. Pressure from your spine is released.

In addition to reducing back pain and improving posture, you can also enhance your performance with functional core training. It doesn't matter what skill level you're at—from daily tasks to athletic performance, your range of motion can improve and you can gain more agility.

You're able to react quicker to movement. You can lift a heavy laundry basket or run up the stairs with ease. Your core uses many muscles to go through the motion of these dynamic movements. If a runner happens to step in a divot, he or she can react quickly and keep going. Functional core training also helps improve balance— your muscles remember that unbalanced sensation and react to balance you back and move forward.

More: Tips for Effective Core Training

Functional Core Exercises

Plank: Keep your hands under shoulders (or on forearms) and your feet straight out on the balls of your feet. Tighten your core; squeeze your gluteus, and hold. Start with 20 seconds. The more you practice this position, the longer you'll be able to hold it.

Side Plank: Start in a plank position. Bring your right hand to the center of your chest (or move onto your forearm); slowly move your left hand up in the air, your body will follow. Your body is facing the left, feet are either stacked on top of each other or crossed side by side for support. Again, hold for 20 seconds and work your way up to a minute. Repeat on other side.

More: 5 Ways to Perfect Your Plank

Push-Ups: Start in a plank position. Walk your hands out a little wider than your shoulders. Slowly lower and push back up to starting position.

Single Leg Squat: Stand on your right leg, bring left foot slightly off the ground and squat. You will not go very low. Keep your left leg up. Try 10 reps and switch to the other side.

Walking Lunges: Take a large step with your right leg, legs are wide apart—bend both legs. Make sure knees do not go over your toes. Push off with your left leg, bring it forward, and bend. Walk across a large room or shoot for 25 steps, turn around, and repeat.

Mountain Climbers: Start in a plank position. Bring your right knee to your nose and back. Bring your left to your nose and back. Speed up this motion for 30 seconds. Again, work your way up to a minute.

Squat Jumps: Start with feet hip width apart. Squat and use your gluteus, quads and hamstrings to push you off the ground and jump as high as you can. Repeat this motion for 30 seconds.

More: The Best 15-Minute Core Workout

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About the Author

Fara Rosenzweig

Fara Rosenzweig is the Lifestyle Editor for She is a fitness fanatic, yogi and runner who loves to try new activities. Follow Fara on Google+ or twitter @FJRose.
Fara Rosenzweig is the Lifestyle Editor for She is a fitness fanatic, yogi and runner who loves to try new activities. Follow Fara on Google+ or twitter @FJRose.

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