
The Best Fitness Companies to Come from Shark Tank

While there have been plenty of duds when it comes to fitness pitches on Shark Tank, there are a few stars worth noting that are both innovative and useful. Here are some of the most successful companies from the show to keep on your radar.

Clean Bottle

Shark Investor: Mark Cuban

Horrible at cleaning your reusable water bottle? There are plenty of hard-to-scrub nooks that require a long brush and patience to reach (and clean properly). Clean Bottle is designed to simplify the process: the bottle opens from both the top and bottom. And, one model, The Runner, also has space to stash your phone, keys and credit cards.

Official Site

More: 14 Surprising Causes of Dehydration

The Natural Grip

Shark Investor: Robert Herjavec

Weightlifters and CrossFitters, listen up! The not-so-glamorous reality of all those barbell lifts and pull-ups are calluses and blisters on your hands. (We won't link out to what that looks like, but it's painful.) Instead of gloves and wraps, The Natural Grip is created from a thin but sturdy zinc oxide, 100% cotton tape and custom-fit to your ring size so your hands stay protected without having to sacrifice comfort or grip strength.

Official Site

More: Work Your Muscles With Pullups and Chinups

SurfSet Fitness

Shark Investor: Mark Cuban

The SurfSet workout caught our eye when it first started, and it also caught the eye of Mark Cuban when the founders pitched it on Shark Tank. The workout is great for toning your core and arms, and challenges your balance, agility and strength by mimicking surfing, but on land. (Specifically in the gym or your living room.)

Official Site

More: Your Guide to Post-Workout Recovery

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About the Author

Perri O. Blumberg

SELF gives you great advice on being healthy, happy, slimmer, fitter and less stressed.
SELF gives you great advice on being healthy, happy, slimmer, fitter and less stressed.

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