
The One Crucial Exercise You Need in Your Workout Routine

Walking and Weight Loss

If you're like most exercisers though, you're also concerned about maintaining a healthy weight. Many of us exercise to counteract a sedentary lifestyle and the calorie-ridden food options that make up the modern world, both of which contribute to weight gain. 

Walking is helpful for this, too. Because it's low-impact, walking is actually what's recommended for those who are already carrying extra weight since the body will experience less wear and tear while still reaping similar weight loss benefits.  

Though there's no question that high-intensity exercise, such as running, will burn more calories, walking still burns a substantial amount. In fact, walking burns around 100 calories per mile (this number is influenced by weight, gender and age) and can help you burn fat, just like any other aerobic exercise–only with a much smaller risk of injury and zero cost. 

Adding Walking to Your Routine

You don't need to ditch all your favorite high-intensity workouts in favor of walking. In fact, you shouldn't. A healthy workout plans encourages diversity to keep the body guessing and your mind from getting bored. Instead, simply add in walking one to two days a week, and try to get outside if you can.

If you don't work out right now, consider implementing a walking regimen. The current exercise guidelines for Americans are two and a half hours per week of aerobic exercise. This translates into 30 minutes of brisk walking five days a week. If you can't walk for 30 minutes at a time, start with 10-minute walks three times a day, then work your way up.

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