
Which Is Better: The Push-Up or the Bench Press?

The basic push-up doesn't build strength after someone can do 20 to 25 reps, but it can be countered by doing advanced versions of push-ups like one-arm push-ups or decline push-ups. However, as mentioned above, for some it can take a long time before they can do even a single rep, and that can be very frustrating and demoralizing to the point where one does not want to train.

On the other hand, the bench press is a popular exercise among strength trainers. This exercise has been used to build a stronger and bigger upper body.

The benefits of a bench press are:

  • Builds a strong upper body
  • Adds strength on a continual basis, when weight is added progressively
  • Boosts the metabolism when compared to other isolation-weight exercises

Again just like the push-up, there are limitations to consider with the bench press:

  • Can be risky when done alone
  • Many do this wrong and can hurt their shoulders
  • Requires space, which could be hard for small home gyms
  • Cannot be done everywhere

More: 12 Tips for a Better Bench Press

Before I continue, let me make this clear, both the bench press and the push-up are great exercises! And if you can, then use both in your training to achieve better results. However if you have to choose one, then here are some factors to help you decide, based on your individual needs.


Safety: While bench-pressing with proper form is safe and healthy, benching extremely heavy weights all alone in your garage or home gym is not all that safe. Once you start lifting some serious weights you need a competent spotter to ensure your safety. On the other hand, push-ups can be done without the need of any spotter. If you're training alone, and have no dependable spotter in sight, then you should stick to the basic push-up. If you're advanced, you can progress to various versions.

Size Gains: If you're a skinny guy and want to put on some size, then you've got to bench. The push-up won't build as much upper-body size as a bench press. Make sure you use proper form to prevent injuries. Don't sacrifice form for heavy weights. The push-up can also help build some size, but when compared, the bench press wins.

Athletic Improvement: The fact is that both exercises are useful for athletes. Top sportsmen use both to improve their athletic abilities. But if you have to choose one, then it would depends on your needs. If adding size and strength is needed for your sport, then do the bench press. If you need more endurance, then do the push-up.

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About the Author

Arnav Sarkar

Arnav Sarkar is a strength and conditioning trainer who relies on simplicity in his training method for achieving the best results. He also writes for various websites and magazines on training and nutrition. Visit to learn more.
Arnav Sarkar is a strength and conditioning trainer who relies on simplicity in his training method for achieving the best results. He also writes for various websites and magazines on training and nutrition. Visit to learn more.

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