
Weight Loss Nutrition Tips

Burn Fat & Shed Pounds with Expert Tips

Weight Loss Advice

Running to Lose Weight

Running is a great way to lose weight and get in shape. But, it's easy to overdo it once you start seeing results. Coach Jay Johnson walks you thro...

Are Skinny Triathletes Faster?

The best training approach for fitnessbuilding and the best training approach for fat loss are identical. Too bad most triathletes don't train this...

3 Tips to Measure Fitness Health

While measurement is certainly used to monitor several health indicators, total fitness is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon and cannot be summ...

6 Ways to Avoid the Snack Attack

Did you know the average person consumes almost 600 calories per day from snacking? No wonder many people have a hard time losing weight. Keep your...

Eat to Build Lean Muscles

Improve your body composition by shedding excess body fat and adding lean muscle, and you'll become a better athlete. This plan requires a mental s...


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