
3 Foods Your Heart Will Love

Your heart deserves some pampering. For an organ that works so hard, here are three foods you can eat to boost its strength, ease its load, and show how much you really appreciate it.

1. Wild Salmon

Your heart will fall for: Salmon's anti-inflammatory qualities

This perfect mix of hard-to-find qualities will make your heart thump. Wild salmon is chock-full of Omega-3s and healthy fatty acids. Its nutrients help boost your immune system, reduce blood clots, and protect against heart attacks. They also lower triglyceride levels, protect your arteries, and lower blood pressure.

Richard Saxe from the Salmon River Company suggests this simple way of preparing your fish so as to bring out its natural flavor and preserve its nutrients:

  1. In a hot cast iron skillet, sear the salmon, skin side up, in a bit of olive oil and butter for about two to three minutes until a "crust" forms on the flesh side.
  2. Flip the salmon over in the pan and season with good-quality, coarse sea salt and pepper.
  3. Put the pan into a pre-heated oven at 425F for about four to six minutes until the flesh starts to flake. Your salmon will come out delicious and tender.
  4. Enjoy.

2. Steel Cut Oats

Your heart will fall for: Oatmeal's complex B-vitamins

Complex is sexier than boring. Oatmeal is easy to dress up, plus it has the versatility of a variety of B-vitamins like thiamin, niacin, and riboflavin. These vitamins protect against blood clots and atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). They also increase your HDL (good cholesterol).

To top that, these oats are also high in iron, which your heart craves for transporting oxygen to your active muscles. Here are some healthy ingredients you can use to jazz up your daily oatmeal:

  • Raisins
  • Cinnamon
  • Kefir
  • Chia seeds
  • Almond butter
  • Banana
  • Almond milk

3. Ground Flax Seeds

Your heart will fall for: Flax's fiber richness.

This is a wealth your heart can definitely afford. Fiber helps keep your blood sugar levels steady throughout the day. Flaxseeds also help lower your risk of blood clots, stroke, and cardiac arrhythmias. It lowers LDL (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides.

Getting these seeds ground ensures proper absorption, plus they mix nicely into almost any food. Throw them on your salads, into your smoothies, and on top of that steaming bowl of steel cut oats. Your heart will love you for it.

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About the Author

Vanessa Rodriguez 

Vanessa Rodriguez is the former nutrition editor for, and author of The Summit Seeker. She is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and an avid ultra-distance trail runner. Keep up with her adventures at
Vanessa Rodriguez is the former nutrition editor for, and author of The Summit Seeker. She is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and an avid ultra-distance trail runner. Keep up with her adventures at

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