
3 Healthy Breakfast Recipes with Sweet Potatoes

Mid-morning workouts can be tough without an energy-boosting breakfast, and an energy-boosting breakfast can be tough to prepare and eat for reasons involving time, effort and taste. If you're having trouble adding variety to your breakfast menu, consider some sweet potato dishes.

One medium-to-large sweet potato packs more than 80 grams of carbohydrates to give you the energy you need. Additionally, this simple incredient is versatile and goes great with several different side dishes.

Grab an extra sweet potato this week at the grocery store and try one of these recipes.

Breakfast Hash

Serves 2 people

1/2 medium sweet potato
1/2 cup onion
1/2 cup mushrooms
1 cup kale
1/2 tablespoon ghee
1 teaspoon paprika
1 to 2 eggs (optional)
Salt, pepper, garlic powder to taste

Cut the sweet potato into small, 1/2-inch cubes. Dice onions and mushrooms and toss them into a hot pan with ghee. Let the ingredients cook for 10 minutes.

Add chopped kale and cook another 5 to 10 minutes until sweet potatoes are soft. Season accordingly and add an egg or two if desired.

More: Skinny Sweet Potato Fries

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About the Author

Jessica Sanders

Jessica Sanders is the former online editor for After many years of camping and hiking in the Northeast, she's exploring what the West has to offer and sharing all of her knowledge with you. She's a s'mores master, campsite connoisseur, writer, runner and lover of all things outdoors. Follow her on Google+
Jessica Sanders is the former online editor for After many years of camping and hiking in the Northeast, she's exploring what the West has to offer and sharing all of her knowledge with you. She's a s'mores master, campsite connoisseur, writer, runner and lover of all things outdoors. Follow her on Google+

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