
3 Simple Steps to a Healthy Lifestyle

Step 2: Join a Class Just for Fun!

Remember that jazz class you always thought about joining, but just never had the time? Or maybe there's a bike class, or a karate class or any type of fun class that's been in the back of your mind and you've always wanted to do. Well, that class might be your ticket to a healthy lifestyle.

Joining a class that you personally like or consider fun can be a highly effective first step towards a healthy lifestyle. When you choose something that you look forward to you are more likely to stick with the program. According to this Oxford University journal, you will derive more physical benefit from the fitness activity.

Don't think you can find a class in your city? Check your local park, gym, dance studio, as well as nearby colleges for a variety of class options.

More: 33 Trendy Fitness Classes You Have to Try

Step 3: Turn Off Your Brain

Taking the time to rest and relax is essential to living a healthy lifestyle. Not just because it can calm you down, but as studies at Wake Forest University showed, chronic stress can often lead to overeating and lower life expectancy.

With so many things to do, and pressures to deal with, it seems we never have a chance to sit down, take a deep breath, and slow the world down. In many ways, the ancient practice of meditation is perfectly suited for a modern lifestyle.

More: 5 Tools to Relieve Stress

There are many ways in which one can choose to meditate. Folks in need of a mental break should try a simple meditation exercise by closing their eyes and taking deep breaths for several minutes.

Other more complex techniques used to reach a deeper meditative state also exist. At first, start small and concentrate on your breathing.

The health benefits of meditation are numerous and include enhanced creativity, stress reduction, pain relief, lowered blood pressure, and improved mental focus and elevated well-being.

More: 5 Ways to Live a Fit Life

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About the Author

Michael Clarke

Michael Clarke is an online video editor for His favorite part of the job is covering inspiring races and athletes who push themselves to be the best they can be.
Michael Clarke is an online video editor for His favorite part of the job is covering inspiring races and athletes who push themselves to be the best they can be.

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