
5 Ways Chocolate Boosts Your Workouts

Iron for Muscles

Get it from: Dark chocolate bars

This variety is a surprising source of iron, which speeds oxygen delivery to muscles. Look for bars with at least 60 percent cocoa.

Get more: Shave into fruit salad, popcorn, and yogurt. Limit your daily fix to 1 ounce, or 170 calories.

Try: Green and Black's Organic Dark 70 percent ($4/3.5 oz.)

Guilt-Free Flavor

Get it from: Pure chocolate extract

The water-alcohol solution infused with cocoa beans intensifies the taste of whatever you add it to. Bonus: Unlike cocoa powder and melted chocolate, it's calorie-free.

Get more: Jazz up smoothies, muffins, granola, and coffee.

Try: Nielsen-Massey Pure Chocolate Extract ($11/4 oz.)

Recovery Nutrients

Get it from: Chocolate milk

The four-to-one ratio of carbohydrates to protein in this perennial childhood favorite is ideal for replenishing energy stores and repairing muscle. (Plus: Try some of the 14 Best Foods for Post-Workout Recovery.)

Get more: Blend with Greek yogurt, banana, and almond butter as a postride meal.

Try: Organic Valley 1 percent Lowfat Chocolate Milk ($1.19/8 oz.)

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