
5 Ways to Detox with Kale

Juice It or Put It in Smoothies

Some nutritionists say you should eat one pound of raw vegetables per 50 pounds of body weight per day for optimal health. Chewing on that amount of veggies may be tough for some, so juicing can be an attractive alternative to get the recommended daily value. Juicing detoxes the liver, flushes out the intestines and cleanses the blood. In fact, the high chlorophyll content in kale makes it especially healing to the blood. When the blood is healthy and flowing well, ailments can be eliminated.

If you're going to juice your kale, it's recommended that you juice it with other vegetables and use ginger instead of large amounts of fruit to cut the kale's bitterness. Because the process of juicing removes the fiber, your body absorbs the fructose sugar from the fruit juice more easily. Using too many fruits in your juices can upset blood sugar levels, according to Food Republic.

Smoothies, on the other hand, use the flesh of vegetables and fruits, and therefore retain the fiber. If you prefer to have more fruit with your kale, consider making a smoothie. The fiber in the smoothie may keep your blood sugar levels more in check and help sweep out your colon.

More: Carrot, Kale, Apple and Ginger Smoothie

Hide It in Stuff

If you can't fathom the thought of eating kale, trick yourself into it. Hide it in healthy burgers, brownies, pesto, pudding—anything you love to eat. This will mask its bitter flavor and tough texture.

Put It on Your Skin

Want to detoxify your skin? Put kale on it. Harvard University researchers have found that the lutein in kale protects the skin from sun damage and detoxifies the skin's cells. Lynda Fassa, the founder of Green Babies organic cotton baby clothes, recommends the following kale mask recipe: Put 1/2 pound of organic spinach, 1/2-pound organic kale and 1 tablespoon of water in a microwave-safe dish.

Microwave uncovered for 2 minutes. Let it sit for 5 minutes. Puree in a blender with 1/4-cup olive oil and 1/4 cup heavy cream. Apply to your face and leave on for 8 minutes. Rinse with tepid water. The mask will keep for one week in fridge. Use twice weekly.

More: Key Health Benefits of Kale

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About the Author

Nicole Reino

Nicole Reino is the former nutrition editor for She's a yogi, runner, cook and real-foods enthusiast.
Nicole Reino is the former nutrition editor for She's a yogi, runner, cook and real-foods enthusiast.

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