
7 Powders and Cleanses That Help You Keep Your New Year's Resolutions

The keys to losing weight are eating right-for-you portions and the highest quality whole foods that you can afford. If your New Year's resolutions include weight reduction and cleaner eating, these goals can become tricky to balance when you restart the post-holiday daily grind because they require more investment—in money and time—and more organization (read: meal planning, grocery store trip and at-home cooking).

More and more food companies are joining the clean-eating crusade, and now there are plenty of options for people who don't have the time to make everything they consume from scratch to buy healthier powders and cleanses for the sake of detoxifying and jumpstarting weight loss. The following seven products can be used for these purposes and more—a lot of them even taste good! You'll pay for all that goodness, of course, but that's the business of convenience.

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