
Active Cookbook: 9 Best Low-Calorie Dessert Recipes

The reason why so many diets fail is because most people who follow them view these changes as temporary—after they lose the weight they want, they believe they can go back to their old ways and maintain what they lost. And the reason why so many people hate diets is that most weight-loss plans deprive people of the treats they enjoy because very few diets are individualized. If you want to lose weight and keep it off for life, you need to embrace a new way of thinking about food, exercise and rewards.

This month's Active Cookbook can help. We offer nine of our best low-calorie recipes for the desserts, savory snacks and sweet frozen coffee drinks that most diets require you to sacrifice. If you learn how to make smart substitutions for high-calorie ingredients and cooking techniques, you can have your cookies and chocolate almond frappuccino and still lose weight. Pick one or two of these low-calorie recipes to try a week, and enjoy being healthier, happier and slimmer.

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